TOOL (Statement)

Declare a tool coordinate system.

TOOL <tool coordinate system number>,<position variable>

This statement declares the tool coordinates assigned to <position variable> as the tool coordinate system specified by <tool coordinate system number>.
<tool coordinate system number> has a range of 1 to 63.

Values changed by this statement are retained while the power is on. To retain them even after the power is turned off, save the system parameters, referring to the Setting-up Manual, Chapter 5, Section 5.7, Access: [F6 Set]--[F8 Save!] "Saving system parameters."

DIM lp1 As position
TOOL 1, lp1
'Declare lp1 as tool coordinate system numbered 1
TOOL 2, (100,100,50,0,90,0)

DIM lp1 As position
TOOL 1, lp1
'Declare lp1 as tool coordinate system numbered 1
TOOL 2, (100,100,50,0)
