CALL (Statement)

Call a program and execute it.

CALL <programname> [(<argument>[,<argument>...])]

This statement calls the program specified by <programname> and transfers control to that program.
An END statement in a called program is functionally equivalent to a RETURN statement in a subroutine so that execution of the END statement returns control to the caller program.
<argument> is passed to the program specified by <programname> either by "call by value" or "call by reference." The former uses a constant or expression; the latter passes a variable. For details, refer to 8.16 "Calling with a Value and with Reference".
Call by value
In calling by value, a constant, arithmetic expression or string expression is passed as a value.
Even a variable, if enclosed in parentheses ( ), is regarded as an expression and can be passed as a value. In the case of numbered variables, integer, floating-point, double-precision, and string variables can be passed if enclosed in parentheses ( ).
Example: Calling PROGRAM SUB1(AA#)
- To pass a variable as a value
- To pass a constant
CALL SUB1(10#)
- To pass an arithmetic expression

In passing an arithmetic expression, the type of operation result should match that of an argument in the called program.
Call by reference
In calling by reference, a variable can be passed as an argument.
To specify a whole array as <argument>, enclose the array name with parentheses ( ).
A global variable or a single element of a local array cannot be passed by reference. To pass such an element by reference, assign a value to the local variable once and then call the program by reference via the local variable.
If the called program changes the data passed as a variable by calling by reference, the content of the variable in the caller program is changed.
Example 1: Calling PROGRAM SUB1(AA#)
- To pass a local variable (1)
- To pass a local variable (2)

(where DA has been declared with DEFDBL.)
A local variable should be assigned a value beforehand.
Example 2: Calling PROGRAM SUB2(BB%(10))
- To pass a whole array

(where AB%(10) has been declared with DIM.)
If no value has been assigned to a variable, an error occurs in execution.
In programs having the name PROnumeral, an argument cannot be passed.
The number of arguments in a caller program must match the one in the called program.

DEFDBL ld1, ld2
CALL SUB1((ld1))
'Pass a variable as a value
CALL SUB1(10#)
'Pass a constant
CALL SUB1(ld1 + ld2)
'Pass an arithmetic expression
