[Version 1.9 or later]
Sets the allowable deviation values of the position and the posture of the tool tip under the compliance control (exclusively designed for 6-axis robots).
ST_SetCompEralw <Allowable deviation along X>, <Allowable deviation Y>, <Allowable deviation Z>, <Allowable deviation X>, <Allowable deviation Y>, <Allowable deviation Z>
Sets the allowable deviation values of the position and the posture of the tool tip under the compliance control. The unit for the allowable deviation along X, Y, and Z is (mm), and the unit for the allowable deviation about X, Y, and Z is (degree). Up to one decimal place is valid.
Execute this command in a TAKEARMed task that has obtained arm semaphore. If this command is executed without arm semaphore obtained, Error "21F7 Cannot take arm semaphore" will result.
The initial values of allowable deviation are 100 (mm) along X, Y, and Z and 30 (degree) about X, Y, and Z. The maximum value about X, Y, and Z-axes is 175 (degree). If you set larger values than the maximum value, you will receive an error "6003 Excess in effective value range".
If the position or the posture deviation of the tool tip exceeds the allowable value, you will receive an error "60F8 Compliance deviation excess error".
The coordinate system used for setting the deviation is the one set by ST_SetFrcCoord. When you specify as STSetFrcCoord 1, the setting coordinate system for ST_SetCompEralw is the tool coordinate system.
ST_SetFrcCoord 2
'Set the force limiting coordinate system to
'the work coordinate system
ST_SetFrcLimit 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100
'Set the force limiting rate for the Y
'direction of the work coordinate system to 0%
ST_SetCompEralw 10, 150, 10, 5, 5, 5
'Set the allowable deviation values along X
'and Z of the work coordinate to 10 (mm),
'along Y to 150 (mm), and about X, Y, and Z to
'5 (degree).