Obtains an exponent.
POW (<Base>,<Exponent>)
This statement obtains the exponent of the value designated in <Base>of <Exponent>.
If <Base> or <Exponent> includes a double precision real numeral, the obtained value becomes double precision. Otherwise, a single precision value is obtained.
In an exponential calculation, a domain error occurs if the first argument is negative.
If <Base> and <Exponent> include a double precision real numeral, the precision is guaranteed up to 15 digits.
If <Base> and <Exponent> do not include a double precision real numeral, the precision is guaranteed only up to 7 digits.
DEFSNG lf1, lf2
DEFINT li1, li2
li1 = POW(5, 2)
'Assigns the 2nd power of 5 to li1.
lf1 = POW(lf2, li2)
'Assigns the li2 power of lf2 to lf1.