
Obtains an arc cosine.

ACOS (<Expression>)

This statement obtains the arc cosine of the value in <Expression>.
The obtained value is expressed in degrees and ranges from 0 to 180.
If <Expression> includes a double precision real numeral, the obtained value becomes double precision. Otherwise, a single precision value is obtained.

DEFSNG lf1, lf2, lf3, lf4, lf5, lf6, lf7
lf1 = ACOS (0.5)
'Assigns the arc cosine value of 0.5 to lf1.
lf2 = ACOS (lf4/2)
'Assigns the arc cosine value of (lf4/2) to lf2.
lf3 = ACOS (lf5/lf6) * lf7
'Assigns the arc cosine value of (lf5/lf6)
'multiplied by lf7 to lf3.