[Version 2.8 or later]
Convert the rotation speed of the specified joint, which is specified in rpm, to the percentage (%) of the maximum internal speed in PTP motion.
RPM (<Joint number>,<Expression>)
Using this function together with the speed control command SPEED enables speed specification in rpm.
This command converts the internal speed, which means that the actual movement is affected by the external speed specified.
For example, specifications of SPEED RPM (7.50) and external speed 50% result in the joint 7 movement 25 rpm.
For extended-joints, when the rotation axis is specified, the rpm to be specified will indicate that on the output stage.
When the linear motion axis is specified, it will indicate the rpm on the input stage (rpm of the motor).
SPEED RPM (7,50)
'Convert the internal speed of joint 7 to 50 rpm.