JOINT (Function)

Extracts an angle from joint type coordinates.

JOINT (<Axis number>, <Joint type>)

Extracts the joint angle of the axis designated in <Axis number> from the joint type coordinates designated in <Joint type>.

DEFJNT lj1, lj2
DEFSNG lf1, lf2
DIM li1 As Integer
lf1 = JOINT(1, lj1)
'Assigns the 1st axis joint angle of lj1 to lf1.
lf2 = JOINT(li1, lj2)
'Assigns the axis joint angle with values li1 and lj2
to lf2.

lf1 = JOINT(1, lj1 + (10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0) )
'Assigns the 1st axis joint angle of lj1 +
'(10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0) to lf1.

lf1 = JOINT(1, lj1 + (10, 10, 0, 0) )
'Assigns the 1st axis joint angle of lj1 +
'(10, 10, 0, 0) to lf1.
