dioConstantDistanceIoOut (Library) [Version 3.0 or later]

Inverse the output signal on the specified I/O port each time the associated axis is driven by the specified angle (distance for Z axis or direct-acting axis).


The angle (distance) of each axis and the associated I/O output port number should be defined beforehand with the teach pendant or in WINCAPS III as shown below. Executing this library detects the angle (distance) of each axis in <detection_cycle> and inverses the output signal on the specified I/O port each time the associated axis is driven by the specified angle (distance).
  • Access : Teach pendant
    [F4 I/O] - [F6 Aux.] - [F1 Set H/W]
  • Access : WINCAPS III
    From the Project menu, choose Parameters and click the I/O tab.
Parameter name
I/O output port numbers for the 1st to 8th axes
OutPut Pos - IO number (J1)
Enter the desired output port number for each of the axes to be detected.
OutPut Pos - IO number (J2)
OutPut Pos - IO number (J7)
OutPut Pos - IO number (J8)
Angles (distances) for the 1st to 8th axes
OutPut Pos - detection angle (J1 deg*10^5)
Enter the specified angle multiplied by 100000.
Specification of "0" does not inverse the output signal on the associated port.
OutPut Pos - detection angle (J2 deg*10^5)
OutPut Pos - detection angle (J7 deg*10^5)
OutPut Pos - detection angle (J8 deg*10^5)

* In WINCAPS III, these numbers plus "1" are displayed.
<detection_cycle> is any of 0 through 32. Specification of "0" does not inverse the output signal even if this library executes.
The expression given below converts <detection_cycle> into the actual cycle in which the angle (distance) of each axis is detected.
Cycle = 250 µsec X <detection_cycle>

Requires a <pacman.h> file.

Executing this library with <detection_cycle> being set to "1" or more first turns the associated I/O output port off and then starts detection.
This function is optional. To use it, purchase the license.

DRIVEA @E (4,-180)
'Move the 4th axis back to the initial position
CALL dioConstantDistanceIoOut(1)
'Start detection in 250 usec cycles
DRIVEA @E (4,180)
'Rotate the 4th axis 360 degrees
CALL dioConstantDistanceIoOut(0)
'Stop detection
