[Version 1.4 or later]
Sets the force limiting rates (dedicated command for 6-axis).
SetFrcLimit (<Limiting rate along X>, <Limiting rate along Y>, <Limiting rate along Z>, <Limiting rate about X>, <Limiting rate about Y>, <Limiting rate about Z>)
Setting ranges from 0 to 100. Up to two decimal places are valid.
Sets the force limiting rates along and about X, Y, and Z axes of a coordinate system specified by SetFrcCoord.
<pacman.h> is required.
Execute this command in a task holding robot control conditions (TAKEARM). If robot control conditions are not held, an error message "21F7 Arm semaphore cannot be fetched." is reported.
This library is not available while the compliance control is enabled. When you execute this library under the compliance control, you will receive an error "60fa Compliance control is enabled".
All the set values for along and around the X, Y and Z axes will be initialized to 100 after the controller is turned on.
CALL SetFrcCoord (1)
'Sets the force limiting coordinate system to the tool
CALL SetFrcLimit (100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100)
'Sets the force limiting rates
CALL SetCompControl
'Sets the force limiting rate in Y direction of the tool
'coordinate system to 0% and enables the compliance control