[Version 1.5 or later]
Aborts running motion commands.
MotionSkip aborts motion commands running in the task in which the MotionSkip executes.
Execute this command in a TAKEARMed task that holds an arm semaphore. If not in a TAKEARMed task, the error "Not executable" will result.
Executing MotionSkip in a robot motion task will abort robot joint motion commands. Executing it in an extended-joint motion task will abort extended-joint motion commands.If MotionSkip executes in a motion task holding an arm group involving both robot joints and extended-joints, then both the robot and extended-joint motions will be aborted.
defjnt lj1
defsng lf1
move p,P1,next
'Get errors of each joint rotation angle.
'Select rotation error of J2.
if lf1 > 10000 then
CALL MotionSkip
'If the rotation error of J2 exceeds 10000
'(in pulses), then abort motion commands.