[(Version 1.9 or later)]
Executes an arch motion.
ArchMove (<destination (Position variable)>, <Z-axis move>)
This library makes a pick-and-place motion from current position P1 (pick) to destination position P4 (place) via the vicinity of route positions P2 and P3.
The route position P3 is located above destination position P4 by the vertical move distance (L1) specified by <Z-axis move>.
The route position P2 is on the Z axis of source position P1 and has the same Z-axis value as P3.
Arch start position (L2) and end position (L3) should be defined in the SetArchParam library.
Requires file <pacman.h>
Execute this library in a TAKEARMed task that holds an arm semaphore.
An arch motion does not support the position control so that the path of the arm endpoint may vary depending upon the actual robot speed. Be careful with interference with the surrounding facilities when the robot is in arch motion.
The Z-axis value of the source position and that of the destination position are not identical with each other. Otherwise, this library will not function normally.
This library is not available to the work coordinates system. Use it in the base coordinates system.
CALL ArchMove (P10,100)
'Moves the arm endpoint to destination P10
'with 100 mm Z-axis move. The current arch
'start and end positions will apply.