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ID : 6881


This part simply displays text. It supports no events, so does not accept action source code.

The following example shows how pressing a button on the same screen can change label properties.

Label Example


Part Placement

Load the editor and place a label and a button on the panel layout.


Changing label properties

The label properties for display text, color, font size, and character position support read/write access using the standard dot notation: part_name.property.

Changing the display text for the part named Label1 to "Off" requires the following line.


Changing the foreground color to yellow, the background color to brown, the font size to big, and the character position to left-justified requires the following lines.

Label1.FG = &H00ffff Foreground color: Yellow
Label1.BG = &H5088B2 Background color: Brown
Label1.Fsize = 32 Font size:32
Label1.Justify = 2 Character position: Left-justified

Add the above to the skeleton created in the Source Code Edit window for pressing PB1.


Compiling this panel layout and downloading it to the COBOTTA produces the following display when the button is pressed.

Before pressing button

After pressing button

ID : 6881

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