RESETAREA (Statement)

Initializes an interference check.

RESETAREA <Initializing area number>

This statement resets the I/O set when interference was detected and makes an interference check invalid.
When the input/output control statement directly resets an I/O even if interference occurs again, the I/O will not be set. To check interference again, execute the RESETAREA command to initialize, and then execute the SETAREA command again.
Valid area numbers are from 0 to 31.

Since the robot is operating in a multitasking operation environment, if RESET is instructed just after SETAREA execution to check an area, there is a possibility that RESET may be executed prior to SETAREA due to the timing.

DIM lp1 As Position
DIM lv1 As Vector
Lp1 = (10, 10, 5, 0, 9, 0, 1)
Lv1 = (50, 10, 50)
AREA 2, lp1, lv1, 104, 1
'Declares I/O number 104 in the area
'specified by lv1 at the position
'specified by lp1 in area number 2.
'Makes the area check of number 2 valid.
'Initializes the area check of number 2.
