FIG (Function)

Extracts a figure.

FIG ({<Position type>|<homogeneous transformation type>})

This statement extracts a figure from position type data and homogeneous transformation type data.

CURFIG, LETF, Robot figure (Appendix 2)

DIM li1 As Integer
DIM lp1 As position
li1 = FIG(lp1)
'Assigns the figure of lp1 to li1.

li1 = FIG(lp1 + (0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0) )
'Assigns the figure of lp1 +
'(0,0,100,0,0,0) to li1.

li1 = FIG(lp1 + (0, 0, 100,0) )
'Assigns the figure of lp1 +
'(0, 0, 100,0) to li1.
