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ID : 1476


Environment Specifications

Item Specifications
Operating temperature 0 to 40 ℃
Operating humidity 90 % RH or less (No condensation)

CC-Link Communication Specifications

Item Specifications
Communication protocol CC-Link-compliant (CC-Link Ver.2.00 is available from Ver.1.8.6 or later.)
CC-Link version Ver. 1.10 / Ver. 2.00 -compliant
Communication system Broadcast polling system
Synchronization system Frame synchronization system
Encoding system NRZ1
Transmission path format Bus format (EIA RS485 conformance)
Transmission format HDLC conformance
Error control system CRC (X16 + X12+ X5 +1)
RAS function Communication defect detection (CRC error, abort error)
Mobile unit type Remote device
The number of remote station 1 to 63 (64 cannot be set for this board.)
Number of occupied stations per unit 2 to 4 stations

Extended cyclic setting
(Only for Ver. 2.00)

1 time, 2 times, 4 times, 8 times
Max. number of link points Ver. 1.10 Ver. 2.00
RX/RY : 2048 points
RWw/RWr : 256 words each
RX/RY : 8192 points
RWw/RWr : 2048 words each
The number
of link
points per
2 stations occupied RX/RY : 64 points
RWw/RWr : 8 words each
RX/RY : 64 to 384 points
RWw/RWr : 8 to 64 words each
3 stations occupied RX/RY : 96 points
RWw/RWr : 12 words each
RX/RY : 96 to 640 points
RWw/RWr : 12 to 96 words each
4 stations occupied RX/RY : 128 points
RWw/RWr : 16 words each
RX/RY : 128 to 896 points
RWw/RWr : 16 to 128 words each
Connection cable CC-Link Ver. 1.10 compatible cable (Shielded, 3-core twisted pair cable)

Max. overall cable extension length
(With end resistance of 100 Ω)

speed (bps)
10M 5M 2.5M 625K 156K
Total extension length (m) 100 160 400 900 1200

ID : 1476

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