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ID : 1891

KeyDown Event

This KeyDown event will be called when keys are pressed.

This event is one of the panel control event.

When the TP panel is active, the fallowing procedure is executed by pressing keys described below table.

Sub obj_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer)

If shift key is pressed, "1" is passed when Key Up event occurs.

If shift key is not pressed, "0" is passed when Key Up event occurs.

key Key code
OK 58
Left 37
UP 38
Right 39
Down 40
F1 112
F2 113
F3 114
F4 115
F5 116
F6 117
F7 118
F8 119
F9 120
F10 121
F11 122
F12 123

Key Down event will not occur if an error exists on the TP panel display.

"CLICKED" event of the function key control will be generated simultaneously.

Key event is executed first, then "CLICKED" event will be executed.

ID : 1891

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