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ID : 2272

Traveling Shaft

To link the robot with an extended-joint, create a traveling shaft with Related axis setting of WINCAPSIII.

How to Create a Traveling Shaft Model

In the Arm modeling pane, create an object between RobotNode and a robot model (in this example, VS087A4-AV6-NNN-NNN-AI), and then configure the new object so that it behaves as an extended-joint. 
In this sample, add a Slider object first, add a SliderBase object to below the Slider object, and then place the robot on the SliderBase object.

Set the SliderBase as J7-axis such a manner that it works as a traveling shaft in the X-axis direction.

Select RobotNode, add an object, and then rename it Slider.


Move the Slider object to the position between RobotNode and robot model.


Add an object to below the Slider model, and then rename it SliderBase.


Right-click the SliderBase object to display the command list.
Press [Move arm node] to move the robot model to below the SliderBase.



To put the robot model on the SliderBase, the robot position on the Z-direction needs to be changed. Since the relative motion of the robot model is impossible, change the base coordinate.


Select an axis you want to link, click [Property] to open [Model setting] window, and then configure [Related axis]. In this sample, specify J7-axis to move in the X-axis direction.


Select Arm operation tab. With J7-axis slider in Robot position area, check the J7-axis behavior. This completes the travel shaft setting.

ID : 2272

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