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ID : 2349

Pin Assignment of Mini I/O of RC8A

The table below lists the pin assignment of Mini I/O. (This table is for Mini I/O dedicated mode.)

View from the cable side

Terminal No. Signal name Port No. Wire color Terminal No. Signal name Port No. Wire color
1 Enable Auto 1, -1 (input) - Black 35 Enable Auto 1, -2 (input) - Pink
2 External Emergency Stop 1, b-1 (input) - Brown 36 External Emergency Stop 1, b-2 (input) - Pink
3 External Emergency Stop 2, b-1 (input) - Red 37 External Emergency Stop 2, b-2 (input) - Pink
4 Protective Stop 1, -1 (input) - Orange 38 Protective Stop 1, -2 (input) - Pink
5 Protective Stop 2, -1 (input) - Yellow 39 Protective Stop 2, -2 (input) - Pink
6 STO Monitor 1,b-1 (output) - Black 40 STO Monitor 1,b-2 (output) - White
7 STO Monitor 2,b-1 (output) - Brown 41 STO Monitor 2,b-2 (output) - White
8 Deadman SW 1, -1 (output) [Enable SW 1, -1] (Safety relay) - Red 42 Deadman SW 1, -2 (output) [Enable SW 1, -2] (Safety relay) - White
9 Deadman SW 2, -1 (output) [Enable SW 2, -1] (Safety relay) - Orange 43 Deadman SW 2, -2 (output) [Enable SW 2, -2] (Safety relay) - White
10 STO Monitor 1,a-1 (output) - Yellow 44 STO Monitor 1,a-2 (output) - White
11 Step Stop (All tasks) (input) 0 Green 45 CPU Normal (output) 16 White
12 Strobe Signal (input) 1 Blue 46 Robot Running (output) 17 White
13 Data area bit 0 (input) 2 Violet 47 Robot Error (output) 18 White
14 Data area bit 1 (input) 3 Gray 48 Robot Initialized (output) 19 White
15 Data area bit 2 (input) 4 Pink 49 Auto Mode (output) 20 White
16 Command area bit 0 (input) 5 Black 50 Operation Preparation Completed (output) 21 Gray
17 Command area bit 1 (input) 6 Black 51 Battery Warning (output) 22 Violet
18 Command area bit 2 (input) 7 Brown 52 Command Processing Completed (output) 23 Violet
19 User input 8 Red 53 User output / Continue Start Permission (output) 24 Violet
20 User input 9 Orange 54 User output 25 Violet
21 User input 10 Yellow 55 User output 26 Violet
22 User input 11 Green 56 User output 27 Violet
23 User input 12 Blue 57 User output 28 Violet
24 User input 13 Gray 58 User output 29 Violet
25 User input 14 Pink 59 User output 30 Violet
26 User input 15 Brown 60 User output 31 Gray
27 STO Monitor 2,a-1 (output) - Red 61 STO Monitor 2,a-2 (output) - Gray
28 Pendant Emergency Stop 1, b-1 (output) - Orange 62 Pendant Emergency Stop 1, b-2 (output) - Gray
29 Pendant Emergency Stop 2, b-1 (output) - Yellow 63 Pendant Emergency Stop 2, b-2 (output) - Gray
30 Auto Mode Mutual Monitoring 1 (output) - Green 64 Auto Mode Mutual Monitoring 2 (output) - Gray
31 Enable Auto 2, -1 (input) - Blue 65 Enable Auto 2, -2 (input) - Gray

DC power input +24V (when external power source is used)

DC power output +24V (when internal power source is used)

- Pink 66

DC power input 0V (when external power source is used)

DC power output 0V (when internal power source is used)

- Gray
33 - Black 67 - Blue
34 - Brown 68 - Blue
  1. The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #35, #2 and #36, #34 and #68.
  2. If no Protective Stop input signals are needed, short-circuit by terminal connection with jumpers between #4 and #38 and between terminals #5 and #39.
  3. For Compatible Mode/Standard Mode/All User I/O mode,
    terminals #11 to #18 are user input, termilals #46 to #53 are user output.

The reserved pins and output pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could result in a controller failure or damage.

ID : 2349

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