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ID : 4374


The toolbars provide user alternate access to most menu items with button icons.

Alternatively, you can save screen real estate by turning them off, all or individually.

There are seven types of tool bars. The following lists map their buttons to the corresponding menu items.

Standard Toolbar

A: New Project
B: Open Project...
C: Save Project
D: Save
E: Cut
F: Copy
G: Paste
H: Delete
I: Find...
J: Undo
K: Redo
L: Create Programs...
M: Check Grammar
N: Make Executable

Edit Toolbar

A: Command List
B: Indent
C: Unindent
D: Encomment
E: Decomment
F: Set/Clear Bookmark
G: Next Bookmark
H: Previous Bookmark
I: Clear Bookmarks

TP Status Toolbar

These buttons appear on the toolbar in the online mode.

A Auto mode
C Program is under suspension.
D Pseudo input unused and I/O lock unused
Pseudo input used or I/O locked
E Normal


•Battery warning

•Encoder system is down

· Catastrophic failure (Level 5 error occurred.)

F Work coordinate
G Tool coordinate
J EMG Emergency stop state
AUTOEN Auto enable state
PROTECT Protective stop state
DSW Deadman switch state
K Velocity button

View Toolbar

A: Project View
B: Program list
C: Arm 3D view
D: Arm Modeling
E: Arm operation

Communication Mode Toolbar

A: Transfer Data
B: Monitor Communication

Debug Toolbar

A: Simulation mode
B: Start a Task
C: Step In
D: Continue All Tasks
E: Halt
F: Step-stop
G: Cycle-stop
H: Program Reset
I: Reset All Tasks
J: Toggle Breakpoint

Log Toolbar

A: Set/Reset Logs Start Line
B: Set/Reset Logs Stop Line
C: Set/Reset Logs Clear Line
D: Set/Reset Control Log Start Line
E: Set/Reset Control Log End Line
F: Set/Reset Trace Log Start Line
G: Set/Reset Trace Log End Line
H: Set/Reset Variable Log Start Line
I: Set/Reset Variable Log End Line

Single-trace Log

ID : 4374

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