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ID : 4417

Creating a New Program


Choose Project|Add Program... to display the dialog box for creating a new program, header file, or teach pendant (TP) panel.


Specify the type.

There are three choices.

  • Program (*.pcs)
  • Header (*.h)
  • Operation panel (*.pns)

The box to the right automatically displays the corresponding template.


Enter a file name.


Click OK button.
When a Program (*.pcs) or Header (*.h) radio button is selected, a new file that have the same contents as template will be created, and Program Edit window will be displayed in Program view.
When an Operator panel (*.pns) radio button is selected, Panel Designer window will be displayed. For information on how to use Panel Designer, refer to Panel Designer Overview in TP PANEL GUIDE.

A new program is created in the folder that is selected in Project window.
If a new file is given just the same name as an existing file in the same folder, it will fail to create a program and go back to Create New Program dialog. Note that each folder is allowed to have only one Operation panel file.

ID : 4417

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