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ID : 5776

Exclusive input signal on/off operation (DIO command viewer)

In debugging exclusive input signals can also be dummy operated. (With monitoring non-exclusive input signals can be dummy operated.)
Dummy I/O configuration is the same as for other input signals, but on/off can be operated through the DIO command
viewer as well as the standard method.
The DIO command viewer can be used when the I/O assignment mode is Mini I/O Dedicated or Standard. Command
and data fields are automatically turned on/off in response to the I/O command functions. For I/O commands, refer to the "Command Execution I/O Signals" (Mini I/O Dedicated) or the "List of I/O Commands" (standard mode exclusive) of the SYSTEM I/O SIGNALS GUIDE.

Operating Procedure


From the menu bar, click Tool, click DIO command viewer.

(This screen shows standard I/O assignment mode.)

Strobe button and Command set button are displayed only when debugging.


Select desired items from the pull down lists for Command field and Data field 1, and input appropriate values in Data field 2.

Odd parity is automatically set.


Press the Command set button.
The on/off status of the Command field, Data field 1, Data field 2 and Odd parity are reflected in the robot controller.


Press the Strobe button.
The robot controller strobe signal will turn off then on again, and the command will be executed.


ID : 5776

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