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ID : 7853


To read the robot controller version.

Graphic expression FB category
Ver.5.5 Ver.5.35
Non motion

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Default Omission (*)
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup No
Robot Group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.

Input Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Default Omission (*)
Execute Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
Execution start
When the variable is changed from FALSE to TRUE, this FB is executed.
VersionSelect Integer 0 to 6 0 Yes
Target device to obtain version information.
Specify the target device to obtain version information.
[0 : Controller software]
[1 : Power supply]
[2 : Encoder hub]
[3 : FPGA (main)]
[4 : FPGA (sub)]
[5 : FPGA (Mecha)]
[6 : Safety I/O]

(*) : For some Variable, entries can be omitted.

  • Yes : Entry can be omitted.
  • No : Entry required always.

Output Variable

Variable name Data type / Description
Done Boolean
Execution completion confirmation
TRUE : This FB execution is completed.
FALSE : This FB execution is not completed.
Busy Boolean
Processing status of this FB
TRUE : Being executed.
FALSE : Not being executed.
Error Boolean
Error presence
TRUE : This FB ended abnormally.
FALSE : This FB ended successfully.
ErrorID Word
Error location
2800 (hexadecimal) : The error occurred in the PLC program.
2801 (hexadecimal) : The error occurred in the robot controller.
ErrorIDEx DWord
Error Code
This is a number to identify the error description.
For details, refer to "Error code list".
Version String

Function Description




ID : 7853

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