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ID : 3503

Definition of Variant.h

Variant.h is a header file to define the value of Internal processing format which is used in Variant type data.

Variant.h is a System header file. To use constants defined by Variant.h, read Variant.h with #include.

Constant Value Description
VT_NULL 1 Null value (Invalid value)
VT_I2 2 Signed short integer type
VT_I4 3 Integer type(Integer)
VT_R4 4 Floating-point variable of type real(Single)
VT_R8 5 Double-precision variable of type real (Double)
VT_CY 6 Money type
VT_DATE 7 Date type
VT_BSTR 8 String type(String)
VT_DISPATCH 9 Object type
VT_ERROR 10 Error type
VT_BOOL 11 Boolean type
VT_VARIANT 12 Variant type(Variant)
VT_UNKNOWN 13 Object type
VT_DECIMAL 14 Decimal type
VT_I1 16 Character type
VT_UI1 17 Byte type
VT_UI2 18 Unsigned short integer type
VT_UI4 19 Unsigned long integer type
VT_I8 20 Signed 64-bit integer type
VT_UI8 21 Unsigned 64-bit integer type
VT_OBJECT 9 Object type
VT_VEC 256 Vector type (Vector)
VT_POS 257 Position type (Position)
VT_JNT 258 Joint type (Joint)
VT_TRN 259 Homogeneous transformation type(Trans)
VT_ARRAY 8192 Array
VT_BYREF 16384 Reference
VT_TYPEMASK 4095 Mask constant values

ID : 3503

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