ID : 3551
Variant Type
A data type which can store any type of data.
In case of a variable, data type which is suitable to the type of a value assigned at the program execution will be automatically selected. Arbitrary data types can be set.
Use this when you do not know what type of data you will receive beforehand.
Internal Processing Format
A data type, which is determined by the value assignment and data type setting, is called the internal processing format of the variant type data.
Global Variable
There is no variant type global variable.
Local Variable
Designate "Variant" to declare variant type local variable.
Dim vColor as Variant
vColor = Array( "RED", &H0000FF, "GREEN", &H00FF00, "BLUE", &HFF0000 )
If you omit "as Variant" from this example, an error occurs.
ID : 3551