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ID : 4045

Single-Cycle Start

Set speed, acceleration and deceleration before executing single-cycle start operation.

Set the speed at less than 20% for starting operation. If robot is operated at high speed in the beginning, it may collide with the surrounding structures.

Operation Procedures


Select the program to start by using cursor key or by directly touching the screen.


Make sure that the selected program is highlighted, and press [F4 Start].


The system message as shown in the next step will be displayed, select [Single-cycle] in the [System message] dialog box, and press [OK].

Single-cycle start will be started.

During program running, always keep one hand free and ready to press the STOP key.

To restart the program after completing single-cycle start, go back to STEP 1 and repeat the operation.

The displayed run time shows time from the start of program to the end, which includes suspended time due to the step stop or halt.

ID : 4045

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