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ID : 4115

Displaying the result of I/O Bit Calculation

Operation path : [F4 I/O] - [[NumDisp] key on the I/O Monitor]

To display the I/O bit calculation result, press [NumDisp] key on the I/O monitor.

Keys other than function keys

Perform I/O bit calculation.

When pressing the button, this function is enabled and the button turns blue color, and the I/O bit calculation result appears on the I/O monitor.


Switch the display style of I/O bit.

(The display style of the I/O bit changes "Byte → Word → Short → Integer → Single → Byte (repeat this cycle)").
For more information about each display style, see "Operation of I/O Bit Calculation Function".

[HEX Hex]

Display the calculation result in hex number.

When pressing the button, this function is enabled and the button turns blue color, and the I/O bit calculation result is displayed in hex notation.
When the button is pressed once again, the display style is turned in decimal number.

Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Display the previous page of the currently displayed I/O information.
[F2 Next] Display the next page of the currently displayed I/O information.
[F3 Jump To] Displays numeric keypad. Enter I/O number with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to move to the target I/O number. The selected I/O number will be highlighted. This can be also selected by using up and down cursor keys on the Remote TP/Virtual TP.
[F4 Dummy Smart]

Set dummy input ON/OFF for the selected I/O number when "Dummy Smart" is checked.

Set Smart input ON/OFF for the selected I/O numberwhen the "Smart" is checked.

[F5 Edit]

When pressing the button, numerical keypad appears which enables to edit the numeric value.
I/O range to be edited is displayed in the numeric keypad together with currently selected display style.

[F6 Aux] Display auxiliary functions menu for I/O.


ID : 4115

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