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ID : 4177

File Menu

Description of the Drop-down Menu

New Project

This is for creating a new project.

Open Project...

This is for opening an existing project.

Close Project

This closes the currently open project. If the project has program edits or other unsaved modifications, a dialog box asks whether you wish to save them.

Save Project

This saves the currently open project.

Save As Project

This is for saving the currently open project under a new name. It creates a folder under a specified name and copies all current project data into the folder.


This is to import variables and log data that have been exported from other projects into current project.

You cannot import I/O allocation.


This exports variables, log data and others of current project to CSV files.


This saves the program or header file selected in the Program view area.

Save As...

This saves the program or header file selected in the Program view area under a different name.

It adds saved file into a project.


This is for printing programs, variables, and a list of I/Os.

Recent Projects

This displays recently used projects.

Choosing one opens it.


This is for shutting down the program.

If the project has program edits or other unsaved modifications, a dialog box asks whether you wish to save them.

ID : 4177

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