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ID : 4182

Debug Menu

Some functions are disabled depending on the COBOTTA types.

Description of the Drop-down Menu

Simulation Mode

Start the simulation function.

This enables checking of cycle time or operation posture.

Start All Supervisor Tasks

This starts all supervisory tasks.

Stop All Supervisor Tasks

This stops all supervisory tasks.

Start a Task

This starts the selected program.

Step in

This executes one program step.

If the step executed calls another program, the program will stop at the first line of the called program.

Continue All Tasks

This resumes suspended tasks.


This suspends program execution.


Program execution runs through to the end of the current step.


Program execution runs through to the end of the current cycle.

Program Reset

This returns the current program to its starting point.

Reset All Tasks

This returns all programs to their starting points.

Show Quick Watch

This displays the current values of all variables and I/O ports currently selected in the Program edit window.

Register to Watch

Add the currently selected quick watch items to the watch list in the Watch window.

Delete Watch

This deletes the watch items selected in the Watch window.

Set/Reset a Break Point

This specifies whether program execution breaks at the step currently under the cursor in the Program edit window.

Reset All Break Points

This clears all breakpoints.

Break Point Stop Setting

This specifies whether hitting a breakpoint pauses the current program only or all programs.

Set Line to Start/Stop Log

Set the range of logging from Program edit window. Logging will start or stop from the cursor position on the program window.

Get Single Trace Log

This displays the trace log for the specified program, a listing of the program steps executed and their execution times.

Controller Settings

This submenu controls COBOTTA operation: turning motors and machine locks ON and OFF and specifying times for reading control logs.

ID : 4182

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