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ID : 4183

Arm Menu

Description of the Drop-down Menu

Current Angle Display

This submenu controls the display, in the [Arm 3D View] window, of current values for arm angle variables of types P, J, T, and J-EX. It also supports copying of those values.

Tool Coordinate Monitor

This toggles the display of the current tool number and coordinate axis in the [Arm 3D View] window.

Work Coordinate Monitor

This toggles the display of the current work number and coordinate axis in the [Arm 3D View] window.

Base Coordinate Monitor

This toggles the display of the current base coordinate axis in the [Arm 3D View] window.

Collision Detection

Selecting this toggles collision detection.

Once the collision has been detected while turned ON, the color of collision object in the window of Arm 3D View will be inverted and its position information will be displayed to the output window.

The collision with virtual fence / exclusive control makes the color of wire flame of the monitoring model inverted.

Collision Display Reset

This removes collision results from the display.

Export Virtual Fence / Exclusive Control Data

This exports virtual fence data or exclusive control data to the project folder.

Automatic Export Virtual Fence / Exclusive Control Data

This automatically exports virtual fence data or exclusive control data on saving the project and sending the data to COBOTTA.

Display Virtual Fence / Exclusive Control Data

This displays virtual fence data or exclusive control data on the arm 3D screen.

Moving Tracks

Set the display of the trajectory the robot moved through.

Display Enable/Disable

This submenu controls display of elements in the Arm 3D view window: floor, arm, tool, work, area, and obstacles.

ID : 4183

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