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ID : 6653

Format Sample 2

In this example, the NetwoRC provider is used to operate a robot.


'!TITLE "Robot"

Sub Main 

	Dim g_ctrl as Object	' CaoController object
	Dim g_Robot as Object	' CaoRobot object

	' Connection
	g_ctrl = cao.AddController("RC", "CaoProv.DENSO.NetwoRC",
					 "", "conn=eth:")

	' Robot generation
	g_Robot =  g_ctrl.AddRobot("Arm", "")

	' Move
	g_Robot.Move 1, "@P P10", "NEXT"

	' Disconnection
	g_ctrl.Robots.Remove g_Robot.Index
	g_Robot = Nothing
	cao.Controllers.Remove g_ctrl.Index
	g_ctrl = Nothing

End Sub


The procedure for connection and disconnection is the same as in the case involving RC7M controller variable value acquisition and settings.

To operate the robot, first generate a CaoRobot object with the CaoController object AddRobot method, and then use the CaoRobo object Move method.

The above example instructs the robot to pass to the P10 variable position with a PTP operation.

Refer to item "4.2.4. CaoController:: AddRobt Method" in the "NetwoRC Provider User's Guide" for details on the AddRobot method.

Refer to item "4.2.36.CaoRobot:: Move Method" in the "NetwoRC Provider User's Guide" for details on the Move method.


ID : 6653

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