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ID : 6681

Window Menu

Description of the Drop-down Menu

Close Window

This closes the program or header file selected in the Client area.

Close All Windows

This closes the following Client area window types: Arm 3D view, and Program edit.

Cascade Windows

This stacks all windows of the above types so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible, in the Client area.

Tile Horizontally

This lines up all windows of the above types horizontally in the Client area.

Tile Vertically

This lines up all windows of the above types vertically in the Client area.

Window List

This submenu lists all windows of the above types currently open in the Client area.

Show All Hidden Windows

This restores a minimized window to the original size.

Hide All

This minimizes all windows in the Docking view area to maximize the Client area. Use this to maximize the Arm 3D view window or Program edit window.

Reset Window Layout

This returns windows to the default layout.

ID : 6681

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