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ID : 6868

Parameters for the Continue Function

The Continue function enables "Automatic position restoration" and "Continue start." The user can access those Continue parameters listed in the table below. 

Parameters for the Continue Function

Parameter Setting Description

Program stop state of emergency stop

0: Reset Stop (Factory default) "Continue stop" is effective in any of the following: (1) "Halt (Stop)" or "Step Stop," (2) Motor OFF, (3) Error at Level 2
1: Continue Stop "Continue stop" is effective in any of the following: (1) to (3) above, (4) When the emergency stop button is pressed, (5) When an external emergency stop input signal (system input signal) is released.
Allowance for position restoration arm

J1 to J6 (10 degrees.)

This parameter shows the valid area for performing Auto Position Correction. The valid area is expressed in degrees.

The parameter "Program stop state of emergency stop" is in Program parameter.

The parameter "Allowance for position restoration arm" is in User parameter.

ID : 6868

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