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ID : 3731


Program editing and execution-related parameters.

Setting with Remote TP and Virtual TP

To set this parameter with a teach pendant, press [F1 Program] - [F5 Program parameters].
For operation, please refer to "Displaying and Changing Program Parameters" of Operation Guide.

Parameter List

No. Item Name Unit Default Description
2 Maximum number of program - 1000 This shows the maximum number of loadable programs on a COBOTTA.
3 Maximum program size byte 600000 This shows the maximum size of loadable programs on a COBOTTA.
5 Number of Simultaneous run programs - 32 Specify the maximum number of program that can be executed simultaneously (exclude TP panel task).
7 VM Stack Size - 1000 This shows the stack size at program startup.
8 TSR start at the time of the power on - 0 This specifies supervisory tasks which are activated at the time of the power ON.
0: Disable
1: Only TSR in a route is started
2: All TSR is started
9 TSR Err Stop Mode - 0 This specifies supervisory tasks which are stopped when an error occurs.
0: All TSR
1: Only Error occurred TSR
11 Motor off command setting - 0 This specifies whether program stops when Motor OFF command is issued.
0: Program stops
1: No Stop (non-motion command only)
If a Motor OFF command is executed during robot motion while "1: No Stop (non-motion command only)" is specified, an error "0x83500008 : Motor-OFF command was executed while the robot is running" is issued.
13 Program stop state of emergency stop - 0 This specifies the type of stop process when an emergency stop is pressed.
0: Reset Stop
1: Continue Stop
14 Warning output - 0 This specifies whether to output warning on the grammar check window when argument is passed by reference without "ByRef".
0: Off
1: On
15 Grammar check at the time of starting - 0 This specifies a folder whose grammar is checked at thetime of starting.
0: all folders
1: root folders
2: No check
16 VM idling time [ms] ms 3 This specifies the idle duration for each 80ms frequency while program is running.
25 TSR start at Err - 0 This specifies whether to activate exclusive tasks when an error is issued at the time of starting.
0: Disable
1: Enable
30 When Takearm is executed, priority of a program is changed - 1 If this parameter is enabled, once a program that includes "Takearm" is executed, the priority of the program is set to "31 Priority when Takearm is executed" so as to process the robot operation in preference to other programs. When "Givearm" is executed, the priority of the program is set to the previous status (the state before Takearm execution).
0: Disable
1: Enable
31 Priority when Takearm is executed - 1 If "30 When Takearm is executed, priority of a program is changed" is enabled, the priority of the parameter is changed to the setting value of this parameter while "Takearm" execution. The lower the priority is, the more it is affected by other programs (e.g; difficult to perform a pass motion).
-2: Lowest
-1: Low
0: Normal
1: High
2: Highest
32 Auto-disconnection at task end - 0 Specify whether to close the line or not at the end of a task.
If "1: Enable" is selected, the line will closed at the end of atask.
0: Disable
1: Enable
This setting will be ignored when [34:Permission for a line sharing for multiple tasks] is set to [1:Enabled].
34 Permission for a line sharing for multiple tasks - 0 Setting this parameter to "1:Enable" will allow other tasks to use the opened line.
0: Disable
1: Enable
If multiple Comm.input commands or multiple Comm.output commands are executed as multitasking, the latter command will wait the completion of the former command.
306 Maximum dimensions for variant variable monitoring - 3 This shows the number of Variant-type array dimensions that can be displayed in the variable monitor.
If an array includes an element that exceeds the dimensional limit for monitor, the array cannot be monitored.
A Variant-type array that cannot be monitored will be displayed as N/A. However, this array can be set or obtained its value from a program.
307 Maximum elements for variant variable monitoring - 1000 This shows the number of Variant-type array elements that can be displayed in the variable monitor.
If a Variant-type array includes an element that exceeds the number of elements where Variant-variable can monitor, monitoring is not available.
A Variant-type array that cannot be monitored will be displayed as N/A. However, this array can be set or obtained its value from a program.
308 Robot number default compiler output - 1

For the Cooperative control-used program, set the behavior at error occurrence that is caused by omission of Robot*.

0: No output - An error is not displayed and user can keep programming.
1: Warning - An error is displayed but user can keep programming.
2: Error - Error is displayed and the further programming is prohibited unless the cause of error is cleared.

309 Normalization of Motion Option Interpretation - 1 0: Disable - RC7 non-compatible motion
1: Enable - RC7 compatible motion (default)
When "1: Enable" is specified, for all commands, motion options are interpreted from the left to the right.
When "0: Disable" is specified, for the following commands, motion options are interpreted from the right to the left.
Approach, Depart, Drive, DriveA, Draw, Rotate, RotateH

Example: If the number of dimensions that can be monitored is three.

Variant type array Number of dimension Value display
aaa = Array(1) 1 Yes
aaa = Array(Array(2), 1) 2 Yes
aaa = Array(Array(Array(3), 2), 1) 3 Yes
aaa = Array(Array(Array(Array(4), 3), 2), 1) 4 No

aaa is Variant-type.

Example: If the number of elements that can be monitored is one thousand.

Variant type array Number of element Value display
aaa = Array(bbb) Dim bbb(999) As Long 999+1=1000 Yes
aaa = Array(bbb) Dim bbb(1000) As Long 1000+1=1001 No
aaa = Array(bbb) Dim bbb(999, 999) As Long 999+1=1000 Yes
aaa = Array(bbb) Dim bbb(1000, 999) As Long 1000+1=1001 No

aaa is Variant-type.

ID : 3731

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