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ID : 6961

Advanced Settings of Monitoring

Operation path : Basic screen - [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F2 Collision/Interference]

Press [F2 Virtual fence] to open the screen.

Perform the monitoring setting. Press [F7 Setting]. Once the parameter list appears, enable [366: Virtual fence setting]. Change the default values of other parameters, if necessary. To change a value, press [F5 Edit]

Parameter List

The robot stops when an error occurs. When [354: Virtual fence detect collision error setting] is not enabled, it does not stop even if collision is detected.

Number Item Unit Default Description
346 Virtual fence monitoring robot - 1 Monitor robot and equipment
0: Disable
1: Enable
347 Virtual fence monitoring tool - 1 Monitor tool and equipment
0: Disable
1: Enable
348 Virtual fence monitoring robot - tool - 1 Monitor robot and tool
0: Disable
1: Enable
349 Virtual fence monitoring current position - 0 Monitor the current value
0: Disable 
1: Enable
350 Virtual fence monitoring destination position - 0

Monitor the target position
0: Disable
1: Enable

With set to 1: Enable, decide whether or not the robot collides with the target on its startup.

351 Virtual fence monitoring command position - 1

Monitor the command position
0: Disable
1: Enable

With set to 1: Enable, decide whether or not the robot collides with the target while running.

353 Virtual fence monitoring cycle ms 8 Set the monitoring cycle.
354 Virtual fence detect collision error setting - 1 Specify whether to issue an error at the collision detection.
0: Disable
1: Enable
355 Virtual fence detect collision output I/O number - 0 Specify I/O number to output (available only for the collision detection of the current value).
356 Virtual fence monitoring robots - 1 This function don't used in COBOTTA.
366 Virtual fence setting - 0

Specify the virtual fence setting.

0: Disable
1: Enable

The setting becomes effective after reboot.

370 Virtual fence robots model margin mm 100 This function don't used in COBOTTA.

If the monitoring cycle causes timeout, firstly reduce the number of monitoring models. If there is no effect for that, set the parameter [353: Virtual fence monitoring cycle] longer than 8 ms.

ID : 6961

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