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ID : 7250

Password Entry Keypad

For Login Operation by Specifying User Level at the user level change, and/or at the Changing the login password, a dedicated entry keypad is displayed.

To change the login level, enter a correct password at the login password entry, and then click [OK]. At the change of login password, entering a password and clicking [OK] button will input the entered values in the applicable password text box.

Window Layout

Numerical Entry Mode

Allows to enter numerical values.

No. Button name Usage
(1) Show/Hide password button

Changes whether the password is displayed as-is, or the password is masked with asterisks (*) and then displayed.

For details, refer to the following "Show/Hide password."



Change button

Changes the entry mode between the numerical entry mode and the alphabet entry mode.

Alphabet Entry Mode

Allows to enter alphabets.

No. Button name Usage
(1) Show/Hide password button

Changes whether the password is displayed as-is, or the password is masked with asterisks (*) and then displayed.

For details, refer to the following "Show/Hide password."



Change button

Changes the entry mode between the numerical entry mode and the alphabet entry mode.


change button

Changes the button caption between uppercase and lowercase.
(4) Alphabet list change button Changes the button caption between A-M and N-Z.

Display Variation of English Alphabet Mode


A - M


N - Z


a - m


n - z

Show/Hide Password

Clicking the [Show/Hide password] button will change the display style between the Hide state (password is masked with asterisks (*) and displayed) and the Show state (password is displayed as-is). The default setting is the Hide state.

The icon of the Show/Hide password button is different in the Show state and in the Hide state as the following figures.

Under the Show state, the password may be easily known to others. Be careful not to be stolen your password person nearby.

Show State

Displays the password as-is.

Hide State (Default)

Converts the password to asterisks and then displays.

ID : 7250

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