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ID : 7961

General Information about Processing

I/O commands to be executed are processed as shown below.

The following describes the process of I/O command.

  1. Select an I/O command to execute, and then set the command/data area (command area, data area 1, data area 2, command and data area odd parity).
    Command and data area must be set at least 1 before the strobe signal is turned on.
  2. After the setting is completed, turn on the "strobe signal (input)".
    Before executing a command input lead by the strobe signal input, wait until the system signal "Robot initialization complete (output)" has been output. However, if you execute "Clear Robot Error" command after an error occurrence, the system signal "Robot initialization complete (output)" is not output. In this case, go on to the next step.
  3. Once the strobe signal in input, the system starts reading the command and data area.
  4. COBOTTA executes the read I/O command.
  5. If the I/O command outputs the status, COBOTTA outputs the processing result in "Status area (output)".
  6. Once the command processing completes and the status is output to the status area, COBOTTA turns "Command processing complete (output)" on. If an errors during process, "Robot error (output)" will be issued simultaneously with the error occurrence.
    PLC waits until "Command processing complete (output)" turns on, and receives the status of the status area, if necessary. In this case, confirmation that no error exists with the robot.
  7. After the PLC has read the status, it turns off the command and data areas and the strobe signal.
    The maximum time taken until the status area and the command processing complete signal are turned off, after the strobe signal is turned off, is 100 msec.
  8. As soon as the strobe signal is turned off, COBOTTA turns off the status area signal and the command processing complete signal. Robot Error signal, which is generated by a command processing error, remains on until Clear Robot Error is executed.
    If the strobe signal is turned off before the command processing complete signal is turned on, the command processing complete signal and the status area will be output and then turned off within 100 msec.

ID : 7961

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