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ID : 535

Speed Setting Option

Speed setting options refer to options to be added to a motion statement and to activate the specified internal speed (internal acceleration and internal deceleration) for motions of added statement motions only.

Types of options are listed below.

Option designation Explanation
Speed (or S) To specify the internal speed. At the same time, the internal acceleration and internal deceleration are also changed. If Speed = n is specified, internal acceleration and internal deceleration are n2/100 value.
Accel To specify the internal acceleration. At the same time, the internal deceleration is also changed. The same value as the internal acceleration is put for the internal deceleration.
Decel To specify the internal deceleration.
Time To designate time to activate the motion. Time for traveling at the external speed of 100% is designated.

Details of Speed Option


  • Specify "SPEED" only

      Speed = Speed
      S = Speed
  • Specify all items at once (Available for Var.1.8.* or higher)

      Speed = (Speed[, acceleration[, deceleration]])
      S = (Speed[, acceleration[, deceleration]])

Guaranteed Entry

Specify the internal speed by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.1-100. The unit is "%."
Specify the internal acceleration by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.0001-100. The unit is "%."
This is an optional value. If this entry is omitted or 0 or lower is entered, the internal acceleration and internal deceleration speed will be set to n2/100 ("n" stands for the value of Speed).
Specify the internal deceleration by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.0001-100. The unit is "%."
This is an optional value. If this entry is omitted or 0 or lower is entered, the value specified for acceleration is applied to the value of deceleration as well.

Example of Description

Move P, P[10], Speed = 20
Move P, P[11], Speed = (20, 1, 100) 

Details of Accel Option


Accel = Acceleration

Guaranteed Entry

Specify the internal acceleration by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.0001-100. The unit is "%."
The same value will be automatically set to the internal deceleration.


In terms of internal deceleration, there is a difference between when Accel option is used and when Accel command is used without specifying deceleration value.

Example of Description

In the following sample program, both the acceleration and deceleration are set to 80%.

Move P, P1, Accel = 80

Details of Decel Option


Decel = Deceleration

Guaranteed Entry

Specify the internal deceleration by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.0001-100. The unit is "%."

Details of Time Option

Time option designates time for traveling.

Assuming the internal acceleration and internal deceleration at this point are internal speed n, calculation is performed as n2/100.

The unit for time designation is "ms."

Since the internal speed calculation is performed on the assumption that the external speed is 100%, a motion takes 6 seconds if Time = 3000 when the external speed at the time of execution is 50%.

To specify the time, use integer type data. An error occurs when: a negative value is specified; the specified time duration is too short to reach the target position even at internal speed of 100%; a robot move distance is 0.

In addition, when the following conditions are met, an error [0x81201403 : Cannot move within the specified motion time] may occur.

  • Time option is specified.
  • Singularity avoidance function is enabled.
  • Start position and target position are exactly the same.

Input Example for Traveling from Current Position to P5 in 10 Seconds

Move L , P5, Time = 10000

For Time option, speed is calculated from normal travel time (from start to end) of the motion statement and set as internal speed. Therefore, an error of the designated time occurs when Control set of motion optimization is enabled.


  • If two or more options are specified, these are processed from the left to the right.
    Move L , P5, S = 70, A = 20, D = 10
    Result : Speed = 70, Acceleration = 20, Deceleration = 10
    Move L , P5, A = 20, D = 10, S = 70
    Result : Speed = 70, Acceleration = 49, Deceleration = 49
  • The execution result of simultaneous specification will be the same as when the options are specified in the order of Speed, Acceleration, and Deceleration.
    Move L , P5, Speed = ( 70, -1, 10 )
    Move L , P5, S = 70, D = 10
    Result : Speed = 70, Acceleration = 49, Deceleration = 10
    Move L , P5, Speed = ( 80, 70, -1 )
    Move L , P5, S = 80, A = 70
    Result : Speed = 80, acceleration = 70, Deceleration = 70

Some motion commands in Ver.1.10.* or lower are interpreted from the right to the left. For details, refer to the "Motion Option" of PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL. In this case, use the Speed option simultaneous setting.


ID : 535

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