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ID : 511

Axis Control

For operations of the robot and extended-joints, source of instructions must be one. To prevent overlapped instructions to each axis, only the task that has acquired the control can control the axis.

Robot and extended-joints are operated as following procedure.

  1. Turn on motor power. Refer to "Motor."
  2. Run the program.
  3. Running program obtains axis control of the axis.
  4. Perform the motion instruction. Refer to "Motion Statement."
  5. Open axis control of the axis.
  6. Turn off motor power. Refer to "Motor."

Many of commands associated with robot motions cannot be executed without appropriate axis control.

Acquisition of Control

Control can be acquired by designating the arm group TakeArm command.

If there is any axis whose control is already acquired by another task in the designated arm group, control of the arm group cannot be acquired.

One task cannot acquire control of more than one arm group. TakeArm again arm group with current axis control will be ignored.

Release of Control

When the task is eliminated, the control of the axis acquired by the task is also released.

Additionally, it is also possible to expressly release the control of currently being acquired by using a GiveArm command.

The control is not released even when the task having the axis control goes to hold status or step stop status.

Commands Requiring Acquisition of Control

Commands listed below cannot be executed without axis control.

Commands Requiring Acquisition of Control for Arm Groups Including Robot Axes

Command name Function
Move To move the robot to the designated coordinates.
Approach To move to an approach position apart from the reference position by a specified distance.
Depart To move the robot from the current position in direction toward the tool's -Z coordinate.
ArchMove To perform an arch motion.
Draw To move from the current position to a relative position.
Rotate To rotate a designated axial spin.
RotateH To perform rotation motion with the approach vector as an axis.
ChangeTool To change the current tool coordinates.
ChangeWork To change the current work coordinates.
Payload To change setting value of internal load condition.
SpeedMode To change the optimal speed setting function.
GrvCtrl To operate True/False of gravity compensation control function.
GrvOffset To operate True/False of gravity offset setting function.
Arrive To let the task stand-by until the motion complete rate specified by the currently-active motion instruction is reached.
Interrupt To skip a motion instruction in the Interrupt block when the I/O interrupt skip signal is On, or to interrupt and skip the motion if the robot is in motion.
Tool To set a tool coordinate value.
Work To set work coordinates.
SrvUnLock To make Servo Lock unlocked for the designated axis.
CrtMotionAllow Change the stop positional precision and postural precision settings of Move@c command.
EncMotionAllow With Move @E, to change the "Allowable angle in stop state" of each axis for robot axis used for stop judgement.
ForceCtrl To enable/disable the force control function (compliance function).
SingularAvoid To enable or disable singularity avoidance function.
ZForce Specify the thrust force for current limiting function of the third axis (Z axis) in H Series Robot.

Commands Requiring Acquisition of Control for Arm Groups Including Axes to Designate

Command name Function
Speed To change the internal speed.
Accel To specify the internal acceleration and internal deceleration.
Decel To specify the internal deceleration.
Drive To move each axis to a relative position.
DriveA To move each axis to an absolute position.
CurLmt To configure the current limiting function and True/False.
Eralw To configure the deviation tolerance function and True/False.
EncMotionAllowJnt To change the allowable angle setting in stop state for each axis.

ID : 511

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