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ID : 1712

Step Start

Set speed, acceleration and deceleration before executing single-step start operation.

Set the speed at less than 20% for starting operation. If robot is operated at high speed in the beginning, it may collide with the surrounding structures.

Operation Procedures


Set the operating mode switch to [AUTO].


Press [F1 Program].

Display [Programs] window shown in the next step.


Select the program to start by using cursor key or jog dial, or by directly touching the screen.

If you want to display the program during a Step start, press [F11 Display] beforehand.

The selected program will be highlighted.


Press [MOTOR] of the teach pendant to turn on the motor.
The [MOTOR] lamp turns on.


Make sure that the selected program is highlighted, and press [F6 StepStart] (or right cursor key).

[StepStart] dialog box as shown in the next step will be displayed.


Press [OK] in [StepStart] dialog box.

Execute single step for the selected program.

During program running, always keep one hand free and ready to press the STOP key.

Execute from STEP 5 when repeating single-step start.


ID : 1712

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