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ID : 2416

Components 2

Robot Controller

RC8A controller that controls the robot unit.

Types Model except UL-Listed ones UL-Listed model
Standard type
Safety motion type

You cannot control this robot with RC8 robot controller.

Power Cable

Cable that supplies power to the robot controller. It is 5 m long.

Model except UL-Listed ones UL-Listed model

Pendantless Connector (Dummy Connector) (Models Except UL-Listed Ones)

Connector to be plugged in the controller when neither the teach pendant (TP) nor the mini-pendant (MP) is connected

For details, refer to the "Pendantless State" of FUNCTION GUIDE.

If you need a UL-listed robot, be sure to purchase either of the following options in addition to a UL-listed robot set.

  • Teach pendant
  • Mini-pendant
  • Emergency stop switch box

However, if you use the controller as a slave for the cooperative control function, these options are not necessary. Instead, you need to purchase the pendantless connector (dummy connector).

Cable Clamp

Cable clamps are used to fasten LAN cables and USB cables.

ID : 2416

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