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ID : 2610



Return the system information of the Safety motion specification controller.


SafetyInfo(Index number)

Guaranteed Entry

Index number
Specify an index number in Integer type data.

Return Value

System information specified by the index number is stored in the variable that is specified by

Variant Type as a return value. Data Types of return value differs depending on the specified index number.


The following table shows available system information.

Index number System information Data type

State of the Safety motion function

-2 : Undefine
-1 : Initialization error
0 : Stanby
1 : Seeking
2 : Error
3 : Recieving data

Integer type

Tool number where the Safety motion function recognizes. (0 to 15)

Integer type

Tool definition of the tool number where the Safety motion function recognizes.

Array of Single precision real number type

Speed limit where the Safety motion function recognizes.

0 : None
1 : 500 mm/sec
2 : 250 mm/sec
3 : 125 mm/sec
4 : SS2

Integer type

Set the input state of each Motion I/O to every bit and then return them.

* The state of I/O5 is entered in "bit 1". For each bit, enter "1" if the corresponding I/O's state is ON, and enter "0" if the state is OFF.

Integer type

Set the output state of each Motion I/O to every bit and then return them.

* The state of I/O4 is entered in "bit 1". For each bit, enter "1" if the corresponding I/O's state is ON, and enter "0" if the state is OFF.

Integer type

Angle of each axis (8 axes) where the Safety motion function recognizes. (J type)

Array of Single precision real number type

Angle of each axis at the Safe reference position. [deg/mm]
* Position where the Safety motion recognizes.

Array of Single precision real number type

Related Terms





'!TITLE "Pro2"

Sub Main 
    TakeArm Keep = 0
    Dim aaa As Variant
    aaa = SafetyInfo( 0 ) 'State of Safety motion function
    PrintDbg aaa
    aaa = SafetyInfo( 3 ) 'Speed limit being set
    PrintDbg aaa
End Sub

ID : 2610

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