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ID : 3374

Control of IAI PCON Series


You can control IAI position controller PCON series from the robot controller by using dedicated commands. This function is available in Ver.2.7.* or higher.

System Configuration

RC8 connects with IAI PCON (hereafter, PCON) through RS485 communication.

Connecting an RS422A micro-converter into RC8 allows RS485 communication. RS485 communication can be established by an RS485 board though, the communication method is different, therefore, do not use an RS485 board.

One robot controller can connect to several PCONs with daisy chain connection though, you need to set different ID for each PCON. This ID is used to identify each PCON at the command execution.


To use this function, you need to prepare the IAI PCON provider license.

For how to enter a license key, refer to “Registering License” in OPTION.

Setting Procedure

Using WINCAPSIII or the teach pendant, specify “VRC” parameters for the robot controller as follows. For details of the operation procedures, refer to “Configuring Parameters” or “VRC Setting”.

No. Name Setting value
84 IAI Enable/Disable Setting Enable
94 IAI device address0 Enable/Disable Setting Enable
110IAI device address0 device type 2 (PCON)

List of Commands

The following table shows the command list.

For an asterisk written after IAI, enter an ID of the control target PCON.

Command Name Function Command name in IAI
IAI*.ReadAlarmInfo Obtains the latest alarm information. ALAO, ALCO, ALTO
IAI*.ReadPositionData Obtains position data. PCMD, INP, VCMD, ZNMP, ZNLP, ACMD, DCMD, PPOW, LPOW, CTLF
IAI*.ReadCurrentPosition Obtains the current position. PNOW
IAI*.ReadCurrentAlarmCode Obtains the alarm code currently issued. ALMC
IAI*.ReadDSS1 Obtains the value of device status register 1. DSS1
IAI*.ReadDSS2 Obtains the value of device status register 2. DSS2
IAI*.ReadDSSE Obtains the value of the expansion device status register. DSSE
IAI*.SwitchServo Turns ON/OFF the servo. SON
IAI*.ResetAlarm Resets the alarm. ALRS
IAI*.Pause Pause and release. STP
IAI*.Home Returns to the home position. HOME
IAI*.SwitchJogInching Switches between jogging and inching. JISL
IAI*.GetCurrentPositionData Obtains the position data. TEAC
IAI*.JogPlus Executes jogging or inching motion to the opposite to the home direction. JOG+
IAI*.JogMinus Executes jogging or inching to the home direction. JOG-
IAI*.SwitchPIOModbus Enables/disables the Modbus command. PMSL
IAI*.Stop Starts deceleration to a stop. STOP
IAI*.MovePTP Moves to a target position by entering a numerical value. PCMD, INP, VCMD, ACMD, PPOW, CTLF
IAI*.WritePositionData Writes position data. PCMD, INP, VCMD, ZNMP, ACMD, PPOW, LPOOW, CTLF


'!TITLE "IAI Sample:PCON ID=1"

Sub Main
  ' Reset the alarm
  IAI1.ResetAlarm False
  IAI1.ResetAlarm True
  ' Enable the Modbus command
  IAI1.SwitchPIOModbus False
  IAI1.SwitchPIOModbus True
  ' Servo ON
  IAI1.SwitchServo True
  ' Return to the home position
  IAI1.Home False
  IAI1.Home True
  Delay 3000
  ' Move 5.00mm
  IAI1.MovePTP 500, 10, 1000, 30, 0, 8 ' target position 500x0.01mm
  Delay 1000
  ' Move -5.00mm
  IAI1.MovePTP -500, 10, 1000, 30, 0, 8 ' target position -500x0.01mm
  Delay 1000
  ' Servo OFF
  IAI1.SwitchServo False
  ' Disable the Modbus command
  IAI1.SwitchPIOModbus False
End Sub

ID : 3374

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