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ID : 4493

Error Log

Error log records errors occurring in the controller. The most recent 1,000 errors are recorded. The data is saved in data storage memory.

The error log is regularly updated.

Two or more types of errors may occur simultaneously, but what appears as an error message is only one of those errors. Checking the error log to see other errors that occurred simultaneously or checking the error log in conjunction with the operation log helps in pursuing the cause of errors.

From the menu bar, click View, point to Log view, select Error.

Description of the Drop-down Menu

A: Receive Button

This receives error log data from the controller and displays it.

B: Jump to Source Code Button

This displays the source code for the error.

C: Error Information Button

This displays explanations and recovery methods for the errors.

The following items are recorded for the data.

  • Date / Time
  • Call
  • Code
    Error code
  • Message
  • Level
    Error level
  • SubCode
  • Filename, LineNumber
    Name of the file and the line number in which error occurred.
  • Uptime

ID : 4493

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