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ID : 5792

Input Data (RC3 Compatible Allocation)

Port No. Signal name
512 Step Stop (All tasks)
513 Continue Start
514 Halt (All tasks)
515 Operation Preparation Start
516 Interruption Skip
517 Program Start
520 Program No. selection bit 0
521 Program No. selection bit 1
522 Program No. selection bit 2
523 Program No. selection bit 3
524 Program No. selection bit 4
525 Program No. selection bit 5
526 Program No. selection bit 6
527 Program No. selection parity bit
528 Motor Power ON
529 CAL Execution
531 SP100
532 External Mode Change
533 Program Reset
534 Clear Robot Error
536 User input (*)
4096 User input (*)


*The range of the I/O port numbers available to user inputs varies depending on the input size setting. The range is set from 536 to 767 by default (with the input size set to 32). If the input size is set to 33 or larger, the user inputs to be assigned to I/O port numbers after 767 will be assigned to the port numbers starting from 4096. For example, if the input size is set to 33, user inputs will be assigned to the I/O port numbers 536–767 and 4096–4103.


ID : 5792

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