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ID : 4117

I/O Information Display

Operation path : [F4 I/O] - [F6 Aux] - [F1 I/O Information]

For details, refer to the table below.

Alloc Mode Device Display Device name.
Mode Display Alloc Mode.
CIFX Device No. Display CIFX Device No.
CIFX Serial No. Display CIFX Serial No.
CIFX Hardware Revision Display CIFX Hardware Revision.
Firmware Type Display Firmware Type.
Firmware Version Display Firmware Version.
IP Address (*) Display configured IP address.
Subnet mask (*) Display configured Subnet mask.
Gateway (*) Display configured Gateway.
MAC Address (*) Display MAC address.
Node Address (*) Display configured node address.
Bit Rate (*) Display configured communication speed.
Name of Station (*) Display configured station name.
Type of Station (*) Display configured station type.

* : Several types of CIFX boards can be displayed.

When I/O information acquisition fails, the following message will appear on the Detail section.
"Not have detailed information."

ID : 4117

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