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ID : 4119

Displaying and Changing I/O Parameters

Operation path: [F4 I/O] - [F6 Aux] - [F5 I/O parameters]

Display and change the setting values of I/O parameters.

Press [F5 I/O parameters] to display the [I/O Parameters] window as shown below.

Description of each item
[Parity bit] Set the parity for the I/O command range to valid/invalid.
[User or System output setting] To use the continue start enable signal, set to "1."
[Field network Timeout] Not available for COBOTTA.
[I/O Power Mode] Switch the internal/external power supply for Mini I/O.
[Running Stop Processing IO No]

When the entire program is stopped via an emergency stop or the STOP button, etc., the program cannot subsequently be rebooted for a certain period of time (during execution of stop process).
An error message "83501011 Command is not executable during program stop process" is issued.
Specify an I/O number which turns ON when the program stop is processing.
The specified I/O number should be user output. If not to be output, enter "-1."

[Command-Slave Start]

To use the Command-Slave function, add the Command-Slave license and set the value to "1."

[Digital filter for DETECT] Not available for COBOTTA.
[Robot controller startup completed IO No]

Specify an I/O number which turns ON at the time of the COBOTTA start-up.
Unlike the robot initialization completion signal, this signal does not turn OFF even if an error occurs.
The specified I/O number should be user output. If not to be output, enter "-1."

[MiniI/O All general]

This option is used in the Mini I/O dedicated mode when using all I/O ports of the Mini I/O as user I/O instead of system I/O.
If set to "1" (enabled), system input ports "0 to 7" are used as user input, and the system output ports "17 to 23" are used as user output.

TP-less mode, enable linkage of external mode output Not available for COBOTTA.
[Robot Running IO No (command value)]

Specify an I/O number which turns ON while a command to move the robot is issued from the COBOTTA.
Available I/O numbers are user output numbers.
If it is not required to output it, enter "-1."

[Robot Running IO No (encoder value)]

Specify an I/O number which turns ON when the signal returned from the encoder indicates "robot running state" (when the actual robot is running).
Available I/O numbers are user output numbers.
If it is not required to output it, enter "-1."

[Switch IO Little/Big Endian] Switch big-endian and little-endian of data declared by DefIO.
[Change Battery IO No] Not available for COBOTTA.
[Motor OFF indicator IO No] Specify an I/O number which turns ON when motor OFF is processing.
While motor OFF is processing, the motor cannot be turned ON. Confirm that using this signal.
The specified I/O number should be user output. If not to be output, enter "-1."
[32bit Error Code Output IO No] Specify an I/O number that outputs a 32-bit error code. Starting from the specified output port number, 32 user output points are used. If not to be output, enter "-1."
[Command-Slave polling cycle [ms]] The cycle used to check the I/O area for the Command-Slave. The shorter the cycle is, the faster the response is returned.
[Field Network Cache Enabled] Not available for COBOTTA.
[Field Network Cache Available Time [ms]] Not available for COBOTTA.
Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Displays the page just before the I/O parameter list currently displayed.
[F2 Next] Displays the page just after the I/O parameter list currently displayed.
[F3 Jump To] The numerical keypad is displayed. Enter the parameter number through the keypad then press [OK]. The desired parameter is displayed.
[F5 Edit]

Select a configuration item to be changed and press [Edit]. The numerical keypad or entry screen is displayed.
For the item for which the numerical keypad appears, enter a value and press [OK] on the keypad. The value is updated.
For the item for which the entry screen opens, select the item and press [OK] on the entry screen. The content is altered.
The changed value or item is confirmed by pressing [OK] on the [I/O Parameters] window.

ID : 4119

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