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ID : 4166

Display and Change of the Custom Speed Values

Operation path: [SPEED] key on the Remote TP/Virtual TP - [F6 Aux]

Set the custom speed values that are vertically displayed on the rightmost of the [Speed] window.
Only [SPEED] can be set. [ACCEL] and [DECEL] will be set automatically according to the value of [SPEED].

When you press [F6 Aux] on the [Speed] window, the [Aux] window shown below are displayed.

Select an item and then change the value.
To select an item, following ways are available.

How to select an item
Way 1 Touch an item name. ([CustomSpeed1]-[Custom speed 5])
Way 2 Press up- and down-arrow keys.

To change the value, following ways are available. To confirm the change, press [OK] after you change the value.

The order of speed follows the order of CustomSpeed 1 through 5; CustomSpeed 1 is the slowest speed while CustomSpeed 5 is the fastest.

  • If the lower CustomSpeed specifies the larger value (faster speed) than the upper CustomSpeed, the value of the upper CustomSpeed will increase according to the value of the lower CustomSpeed.
  • If the upper CustomSpeed specifies the smaller value (slower speed) than the lower CustomSpeed, the value of the lower CustomSpeed will decrease according to the value of the upper CustomSpeed.
How to change the value
Way 1 Specify a value by numerical value. (See [F5 Change] shown below)
Way 2 Press right and left arrow keys. The value changes by 5%.
Way 3 Touching a ratio indicator bar on the right side of CustomSpeed1-5 enables you to change the ratio being touched. Ratio is set according to the point being touched; for example, touching the ratio indicator bar at three-fourths from the left will set about 75%. If you touch an item which is currently unselected, the item touched will be selected.
Keys other than function keys
Default Return to the default.
Available function key
[F5 Change]

Once you have selected an arbitrary item from CustomSpeed 1 through 5, press [Change] button to display numeric keypad. Enter desired value with the numeric keypad, and then press [OK] to confirm the change that you have made.
To confirm the change, press [OK] on the [Aux] window after you change the value.


ID : 4166

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