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ID : 4165

Displaying and Changing External Speed Setting Screen (Inching Mode)

Operation path: [SPEED] key of Remote TP/Virtual TP - [Inching mode ON]

Set moving angle of each joint and travel distance for XY/Tool in inching mode.
Press [SPEED] of Remote TP/Virtual TP and turn [Inching] "ON" to display the [Speed] window as shown below.

The speed value can also be changed using left and right cursor keys of Remote TP/Virtual TP. In this case the value changes according to "Joint: 0.0025 degree increment, XY/Tool: 0.05 mm increment."

Available function keys
[F5 Edit]

Select "Joint" or "XY/Tool" item and press [Change]. The numerical keypad appears. Enter the desired value through the keypad and press [OK]. The displayed setting is changed to the entered value.
Press [OK] in the [Speed] window to confirm the changed value.

ID : 4165

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