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ID : 4164

Displaying and Changing External Speed Setting Screen

Operation path : [SPEED] key on the Remote TP/Virtual TP

Set external speed.
Press [SPEED] key on the Remote TP/Virtual TP to display the following [Speed] window.

Change the value by selecting an item.
To select an item, the following ways are available.

How to select an item
Way 1 Touch [SPEED], [ACCEL] or [DECEL] on the screen.
Way 2 Press up- and down-arrow keys.

To change the value, the following ways are available.
To confirm the change, press [OK] on the Speed window after you change the value.

How to change the value
Way 1 Specify a value by numerical value. (See [F5 change] shown below)
Way 2 Press the function key corresponding to the numerical value. (See [Available function keys] shown below)
Way 3 Press the desired custom speed button.
Custom speed buttons are placed on the rightmost of the Speed window.
You can set arbitrary values to the custom speed buttons. (See [F6 Aux] shown below)
Way 4 Press right and left arrow keys. The value changes by 5%.
Way 5 Touching a ratio indicator bar on the right side of Speed, Accel or Decel enables you to change the ratio being touched. Ratio is set according to the point being touched; for example, touching the ratio indicator bar at three-fourths from the left will set about 75%. If you touch an item which is currently unselected, the item touched will be selected.
Available function keys
[F1 1%]

Select items, "SPEED", "ACCEL" or "DECEL", and press [1%]. Then, the display for settings will be changed to 1%.
Press [OK] in [Speed] window to confirm the change.

[F2 10%]

Select items, "SPEED", "ACCEL" or "DECEL", and press [10%]. Then, the display for settings will be changed to 10%.
Press [OK] in [Speed] window to confirm the change.

[F3 50%]

Select items, "SPEED", "ACCEL" or "DECEL", and press [50%]. Then, the display for settings will be changed to 50%.
Press [OK] in [Speed] window to confirm the change.

[F4 100%]

Select items, "SPEED", "ACCEL" or "DECEL", and press [100%]. Then, the display for settings will be changed to 100%.
Press [OK] in [Speed] window to confirm the change.

[F5 Change]

Select items, "SPEED", "ACCEL" or "DECEL", and press [Change]. Then, numeric keypad will be displayed. Enter the value to set with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to change the display for settings to the entered value.
Press [OK] in [Speed] window to confirm the changed value.

[F6 Aux]

[Aux] window is displayed.
Set the custom speeds that are vertically displayed on the rightmost of the [Speed] window.

ID : 4164

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