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ID : 6877


  • File
  • Edit
  • View
  • Window
  • Help


Menu Command

New Create new TP panel file.
Open... Open an existing TP panel file.
Close Close the current file, first displaying the dialog box for saving if current file edits have not been saved.
Save Save the current file to disk, displaying the dialog box for saving if the file is new.
Save As... Save the current file to disk under a new name.
Print... Print the contents of the current window: Layout or Source Code Edit.
Print Preview... Display a print image on the screen instead of sending data to the printer.
Printer Setting Display the dialog box for specifying printer settings.
Import... Read panel layouts from TP panel file of RC7.
Most recently used files This section lists the last few TP panel files saved.
Exit Close the editor.


Menu Command

Undo Reverse the effects of the last operation.
Redo Undo the last undo operation--in other words, repeat the last operation.
Cut Move the contents of the selected range to the system clipboard.
Copy Copy the selected parts or string to the system clipboard.
Paste Insert the clipboard contents at the current cursor position.
Delete Delete the selected parts or string.
Find and Replace Display the dialog box for finding and optionally replacing the specified string.


Menu Command

Tool bar Toggle display of tool bars.
Status bar Toggle display of status bar.
Tree bar (Parts tree) Toggle display of the Parts Tree pane.
Property bar (Property) Toggle display of the Properties pane.
Panel layout Display the corresponding panel layout.
Grid Toggle the grid display on and off.
Snap to grid Toggle automatic grid positioning on and off.
Zoom Normal Cancel zooming and return the Layout window to the standard (100%) magnification.
Zoom Percent Change the magnification ratio for the Layout window (50%, 75%, 100%, 200%).


Menu Command

Close Close the currently selected window.
Close all windows Close all open editor windows.
Cascade Display all open windows with the same size and overlapped with only their title bars visible.
Tile Display all open windows as individual rectangles dividing up the screen.
Arrange Icons Align the icons for minimized windows in the lower left corner of the main editor window.
List windows Display a list of all windows.


Menu Command

About Panel Designer Display the About screen indicating the editor's version number, etc.

ID : 6877

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